YCCS is working in partnership with Chicago Public Schools, the state board of education (ISBE), and local health authorities to ensure that we are providing current resources to support our students, parents, teachers and staff. Please note that this is an extremely fluid situation and information will be shared as soon at it becomes available.

Need Help?

The YCCS Helpline has been established to provide assistance to those affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Trained professionals are available 24/7 to conduct preliminary assessments, provide services, and/or connect callers to additional resources. If you or someone you know is in need due to COVID-19, please do not hesitate to call. Remember,




Stay Safe

Please follow CDC, state, and local guidelines for virus prevention.

Stay Informed

Updated information is readily available from our federal, state, and local governments. For the most up to date information please visit the links below.

Covid-19 Resources

City of Chicago Coronavirus Response
Illinois Department of Public Health
ISBE Coronavirus Updates
CPS Response to Coronavirus